Wow, Spectacular Dog Agility Runs by Mona & Page

Mona and Page have a lot to be proud of with these runs from the 2013 German Classics, going 6 for 6 clean.

And they weren’t running for themselves, they were a part of the team called “The libertine and the Seven Little Goats.”

This team consisted of  Tobias Wüst with Don , Philipp Müller-Schnick with Heat and Tom Ebeling with Wumm.

A combination that walked away with the Team win and it’s easy to see how when watching Mona and Page perform.

Not only that, but Mona and Page also took 10th out of 80 dogs in the individual category as well! Great team work.

If you were impressed with these course and how this team made them look so easy, be sure to click LIKE.