2013 AKC ANC Challenger’s Round by Shetland Sheepdog Aslan

This is a video of Aslan’s run in the Challenger’s Round of the 2013 AKC Agility National Championships.

Aslan is a real dog agility buff with a MACH4 in regular height and now running Preferred and qualifying for Nationals seven years and attending three. He also holds NADAC agility titles.

What exactly is the Challenger’s Round you ask? The Challenger’s Class is open to the top four dogs per jump height from each of the rounds that didn’t already get into the finals.

During this competition they also included one dog per jump height from the Time 2 Beat Challengers Bye-Round.

The winner from each height in the Challengers Class then went on to the finals round joining the dogs who entered the finals by being in the top 7% of all Regular dogs entered and the top 7% of all Preferred dogs entered.

It is my understanding that during this competition five Juniors ran alongside the adults during this event.

If you enjoyed this awesome run by Aslan be sure to Like and Share it with your friends.