What Happens When Your Dog Hates Your Gift?

We all hate shopping for people when we have no idea what they want and won’t let you know.

But how about your dog?  They are a snap and we all love getting them special gifts to make them happy.

Or are they? Check out this dog’s reaction to a Christmas bone.  He doesn’t just dislike it, he actually hates it!

And before we get into a discussion on whether or not a dog has the capacity to hate, watch this video and we will agree.

He couldn’t make it more plain that he wants nothing to do with this toy and even try’s to tell the owners his feelings.

So, be sure to have your camera rolling when your dogs open their presents, they just may be harder to please then you think.

If you got a chuckle out of this dog’s reaction be sure to Like and Share it so your friends can beware of the dilemma of the difficult dog to please as well.