Two Australian Shepherds Loving CPE Trial

Check out these two Australian Shepherds, Maggie and Porter, having a blast at this 2010 RAT Agility CPE trial.

You will see Maggie run Jackpot, Standard, Snookers and Fullhouse while Porter runs his first courses in Fullhouse and Colors.

Maggie Q’d in 4 of the 5 runs she had that day earning herself the honor of moving to Level 3 in everything except Jackpot.

It is no mystery that this was Porter’s first trial as he really is having a good look around on the courses.

It was his first time in a big open arena with no other dogs or people in it, but he did well amid the distractions.

You will see him leave frame in the Colors because he ran off to check out the food table.

If this video gave you some memories of your first ever runs, be sure to Like and Share it with that smile.