Training the Weaves With the Angled Pole Method

This video takes you through the steps of using the angled pole method of teaching weaves.

Though they do not actually tell you what the do, you will see how the dog progresses as the poles go more upright.

In this method you can teach all 12 poles at once and the weaves as one obstacle instead of breaking up into sections.

If your dog were to balk or have issues with a new angle you should go back to the previous angle until they are solid.

Then decrease the angle more slowly for your dog.  I also love the proofing ideas at the end of video, very creative.

If you found this video interesting and a good demo of the use of angled poles, be sure to LIKE and SHARE it.

Are you ready to try the Angled Pole method of teaching your dog the weaves but don’t have the set to practice on?  Head on over to Affordable Agility and get your Angled Poles set or their Weave Pole Stick in the Grounds and get started on teaching your dog the weave poles.