Three Legged Dog Loves Dog Agility

When you are done making excuses why your dog can’t succeed in dog agility take a moment to watch Serena.

This is a great moment caught on tape of one of Serena’s qualifying standard runs at the 2009 CPE Nationals.

At this event Serena was awarded High in Trial 16″ Specialist Games and High in Trial 16″ Specialist Standard Runs.

Oh, yeah! She was the only 3 legged dog at Nationals and those titles meant she was the best dog in her height category.

Although Serena has since passed away she competed until she was 13.

Her proud Mama leaves her videos up online to prove that disabled pets can do amazing things.

And she has a few words for others when you see a disabled dog.

“In the years I owned her I hated when people would say ‘look at that poor dog'”.

“She never knew she was disabled and that’s why she beat so many 4 legged dogs in agility”

So cheer them on, they have no idea they are different and expect no special treatment except your encouragement.

Please like and share this inspirational video with all your friends.