The Amazing Story of Howie and His MACH Title

As you watch these beautiful runs by Heather and her Shih Tzu MACH Havenhills Hao Kan CD OF AD CGC, Howie, keep this beautiful story in mind.

Heather purchased Howie, her first agility dog, and was immediately faced with the bitter pill of dealing with a severe case of Parvo forcing her to make a life or death decision.

Howie looked into her eyes and she saw a sparkle that told her He wasn’t throwing in the towel, so neither did she as she told the doctors, “As long as Howie is trying, I’ll be here for him.”

Four years later and two years into his agility career, Howie faced a back injury that keep him from his beloved sport of dog agility.  But true to his fighter’s style he came back full throttle after months of physical therapy.

And full throttle it was as you will see him in this video earning his MACH title at six years old.  He also qualified for 2009 AKD Nationals, and went to Invitationals as the #3 Shih Tzu!

I never grow tired of watching teams earn their first title and this one is even more special knowing how many obstacles this amazing team went through to get to where they are now.

If you were moved by the video and touched by their special story, be sure to LIKE and SHARE it with all your friends.