Teacup Dog Agility with Evil Villian Loki and Sweet Darna

What could be more fun than running your small dog in Teacup Dog Agility? How about adding costumes!

This team starts out fun as can be when “Loki” loses track of Darna due to the cape.

But don’t be fooled, this little Shih Tzu LOVES to run and is one fast competitor making “Loki” work hard too.

No, we don’t think you will find a costume class anywhere other than a fun match but we are glad they got this one on tape!

All kidding aside this team has a great run with just a little hang up on the weaves, but considering the costume Darna does darned good!

If you love Loki or TDAA, be sure to LIKE this video then SHARE the fun will all your dog loving friends.