SUPERDOGS Performance Is Amazing at The National Western Stock Show

Wow what a great show put on by the Superdogs at the 2010 National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado.

I have been in this arena when it is packed like this and I can tell you the energy is amazing and the noise deafening.

These dog and handler teams are mostly local Denver teams and include the dogs Kaya, Power, Arrow, Z, Baylie, Hilo, Kona, Brisco, Mariah, Fly’n, Q, Cor, Fritz, Colby and more.

Many breeds are represented with this group from Border Collies to Sheepdogs, Pomeranians to Bulldogs?

That’s right, Pot Roast the Bulldog steals the show and it’s not with any handicap, this dog can move!

So sit back and enjoy the many talents of these dog and handler teams performing in deafening noise!

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