Crazy Amazing Runs by Kayl McCann at OneMind Dogs Seminar

I don’t usually like to watch seminar videos as you don’t know what you are looking at, but this one is different.

You know right away what you are looking at and that is sheer brilliance on the dog agility field.

Kayl McCann is a professional dog trainer and handler from Ontario, Canada with her young BC Grand Slam.

Now I know there are many dog agility handlers that have no desire to go to World or International competitions, but if you love the sport you will love this video.

It is as if she and her dog sat down and memorized the lines and courses then ran them, however that is not the case.

Working her mentors Janita Leinonen & Jaakko Suoknuuti from OneMind Dogs they have indeed become One Mind.

If you loved the pure brilliance of these runs be sure to LIKE and SHARE them with your friends and even those that don’t know what dog agility is, I know they will love it!