Spec and Cheer Shred These Dog Agility Courses for Their MACHs

Wow! Getting one MACH is quite the accomplishment for any team in dog agility let alone a total of ten between two dogs.

And this is a super special video because both dogs earned their MACH titles at the same competition!

Spec is the first up earning her MACH6 with speed that is almost unnatural, as she takes the weaves faster than most dogs we have seen.

Follow that with the same manic drive of her “sister” Cheer as she earns her MACH4 title in true Sheltie style, impatiently on the table.

We don’t know the age of the handler, but she appears young. We give her huge accolades for what she has done with her two brilliant agility dogs!

If you were watching these dogs with your mouth hanging open like us, be sure to LIKE and SHARE their speed with all your friends.