Raven is one Talented Black German Shepherd Dog

Raven may be at her first agiltiy competition with her handler Patty, but this team does not look like rookie’s in this run!

Raven does have a baby moment while they wait for the previous team to clear the ring, but once in the sls, Raven is totally focused on Patty.

This team has done their homework to walk away with a Q, First place and a flawless first Novice Preferred FAST class.

Patty chose to put Raven in the Preferred class due to her young age so she could run at 20″ instead of 24″ in the regular classes.

This is a great idea, especially for a young dog’s first run so they can keep things at a lower key for Raven.

If you enjoyed watching Raven excel at her first competition, be sure to LIKE and then SHARE this super run with everyone.