Jumper Horse and Agility Dog Relay 2

If you liked the first one you’ll have fun watching this one too, and if you missed the first one be sure to check it out.

Although the rider sets his horse up a tad short on one jump costing them a pole, it is a nice go.

And instead of a Border Collie you will see a Jack Russell running the dog end of the relay and boy can that dog jump!

It is always amazing to me how hard horses and dogs work for the praise and approval of their owners.

You will also notice a full stadium of people who are cheering the team on.

It fun and safe way to bring awareness to the public of the blessings we have in our partnerships with our animals.

Hey, it might even encourage them to go out and find a sport they can enjoy with their dogs.

So click LIKE and then SHARE the fun, if you enjoyed watching this relay team.