Santa’s Gift to Jesse Wasn’t the Perfect Gift at All

Jesse is a Jack Russell Terrier that has something to say about his well meaning but poorly planned Christmas gift.

While this is an all too common gift to give, you will see how it can have a bad ending when the recipient doesn’t agree.

Sometimes a well meaning gift is not the right gift especially when it involves a ton of responsibility.

If you are considering this kind of gift for someone, be sure they want it as well as have the time and dedication to put all the work into it that it will need.

This is a gift that not only lasts a lifetime, it needs to be a part of the family and loved by everyone.

This video is to educate potential gift givers of the fact that this gift must be wanted, not just for Christmas, but for a lifetime.

Help get the word out by SHARING and help people consider all variables before gifting this present at Christmas time.