Great Example of CPE’s Fullhouse Level 2
This is a great example of a CPE Fullhouse Level 2 run by this fast Aussie at the Boomtowne Canine Training Center.
They got a “Q” and won second place with a time of 33.90 and 23 points despite the dropped bars.
Runs are timed, and scores and placement rankings are determined by points and then time and “Q’s” are given
as follows: Level 1 (19 points) Level 2 (21 points) Level 3 (23 points) Levels 4 and up (25 points)
If you are new to CPE’s Fullhouse, points are awarded for each obstacle – single-jumps (1), tunnel, tires,
spread jumps, 6-weave poles (3), contacts (5), full weaves (5-7), combination jumps (7).
The time stops as soon as any part of the dog touches the table so in this video even though the dog slid off the time was stopped and there is no penalty given.
If you like CPE’s Fullhouse be sure to Share this video to get the word out on this fun and competitive game.