Eliska With BC Nyx and Sheltie Cassie 2014

Eliska has some really nice clean runs with her two dogs Nyx and Cassie during the 1st qualification runs for AWC and EO 2014.

While they did not get first place these runs are fast, clean and a lot of fun to watch as the handling is super.

It takes a lot of skill to get to this level as well as doing so with two different height dogs.

A couple times Eliska “gets in the way ” of Cassie causing her to slow down and lose momentum but they recover fast.

You know that Eliska has put in long hours getting both dogs as well as herself ready for this competition and to do so with clean rounds is awesome.

If you enjoyed watching Eliska and her dogs’ 1st round runs be sure to LIKE and SHARE them with your friends.