Dog Agility Mini Pairs Relay from Olympia 2007

This is a great video of dog agility pairs relay. It is a nice course with all the elements to challenge the dogs to run fast but correct.

The featured dogs are Obay shelties and they do a great job running the course fast, focused and most importantly with no faults.

Sharon Brewster, Bernadette Bay, Peggy Briscoe, and Nicola Garrett do an excellent job directing their dogs to the winners podium despite the roar of the crowd and pressures of this level of competition.

And while the spotlight is on these gorgeous Shetland Sheepdogs, I would like to point out the poodle that tears up the course as well.

It was a great team performance and it is fun to hear the crowds get so involved. That is what makes dog agility such a great sport.

If you enjoyed watching these small dog teams run dog agility relay be sure to LIKE and SHARE!