BB and The Dogs Is Not a New Rock Group

Rather they are a group of dogs with one handler that not only keeps them in top condition, but in the top 10 at the Berliner Bären Cup Agility.

The classes for these dogs boasted over 40 teams making their placings all the more impressive and note worthy.

Lupina, Budinka and Aimy are fierce competitors that spread joy with every jump as they make their way around these courses.

Budinka is sporting a really cool hair cut for a Bearded Collie that really accentuates his high flying and happy tail.

In one of the last runs he knocks a bar and gets tangled in it causing Budinka to give an extra boost over all rest of the jumps.

It is quite the accomplishment to get one dog this good let alone three, so if you are impressed as well be sure to LIKE then SHARE these talented teams with your friends.