Anéou the Pyrenean Shepherd With No Fear in Dog Agility

This dog has absolutely no fear and or self preservation!  You will not believe how easily this dog brushes off pain.

And it isn’t that this team is a stranger to the dog agility field nor is it lack of training.

This team works fast and amazing on the field proving hours of dedication and training are put in.

Anéou is purely a fearless dog that not only looks fear in the eye, but he will jump it, climb it, and teeter it as well.

And while nothing scares him, I am pretty sure I would run scared not knowing what would happen at each run!

His handler puts it very aptly, “Anéou nothing holding you back, just bare mad desire to give all.” – google translate

A dog like this is hard to beat, be sure to LIKE and SHARE this dog of steel with your friends.