Demonstration of a Correctly Executed Ketschker Turn

Here is an example of the Ketschker turn or “ass pass” as it is sometimes referred.

You will see in this practice run that the Ketschker gives Maddie and Andrea a nice tight turn on this run.

If you are getting a winder turn with the Ketschker it may be that you need more practice or are late in your cuing.

It could also be that your dog does not read this turn well and it may not be the best choice of turns for your team.

Give it some practice and see if it helps you and your dog get some tight turns and quicker runs.

But first Like and Share this example with others so they can give it a tray as well.

Need some more jumps to help you with your practices at home or at the park? Check out Affordable Agility’s full line of practice equipment including this Jump Travel Set and get busy perfecting your Ketschker turn!