Steps on Starting Your Agility Dog on the Teeter
Nice video that helps you get your dog off on the right foot with the teeter totter or seesaw obstacle from step one.
Love how they introduce the dog to the plank before introducing movement to the obstacle and then keep it low for the first times teetering.
You can also introduce your dog to a wobble board before the teeter to introduce them to the movement of the teeter.
You will have worked on your dog’s contacts performance while the plank is on the ground before adding movement as well.
For some dogs the teeter is very intimidating so be sure to go slow and build your dog’s confidence at each step before moving on.
If you enjoyed Zak and Lucy’s help in teaching your dog the teeter, be sure to LIKE and SHARE with others. And if you need a teeter that can lower, a wobble board or other training equipment CLICK HERE and see all that Affordable Agility has to offer at a great price.