How to Teach Your Dog Proper Execution on Jump Lines
Eliska Dolnickova has made some really nice introductory videos on teaching the various aspects of jumping and this is another one of them.
In this video she takes you step-by-step in teaching your dog proper negotiation of a line of jumps using “retarder” jumps.
If you have them, you can also use jump bumps to get your dog moving correct to, over and away from each jump..
Notice once again when you are working on new jumping exercises with your dog you start out low and gradually build height.
Eliska also demonstrates what could go wrong in your set up and how to fix it so that your dog doesn’t try to jump too far.
If you found this information helpful in teaching a dog proper jump style over a jump line, be sure to LIKE and SHARE with others. And if you need a some jumps to get started be sure to check out Affordable Agility’s complete line of jumping equipment and get what you need ordered today.