Frost Learning 2on2off Contacts
What a super job this handler has and is doing with teaching the 2on2off contact with Frost.
Frost is a beautiful terrier that has no doubt about what he is to do and where he is to stay when in position.
Even when he has to reach for a reward those back feet never leave the plank.
You will also see how eager and happy he is to be preforming this maneuver, further accolades to the trainer.
This video was taken awhile ago and this team is well on their way winning in dog agility, no surprise there.
If you thought this was some impressive examples of proofing the 2on2off be sure to LIKE and SHARE this with others.
And if you need starter equipment or contact trainers, be sure to check out Affordable Agility’s full line of TDAA competition and practice dog agility equipment. They even have books, videos and great games for you dog as well, so be sure to check them out.