Dog Training Is So Fun To Watch When Done Right
It is so amazing how far dog training has come. To not only see the team work, but to literally see the dog’s mind work!
Emelie Magnusson does such a great job with her videos as well as training her dogs that it is always a pleasure to watch
her and her dogs practice as well as compete. You will see her Border Collies minds working and finding the right answers.
Truly amazing to see such joy in a dog working not only at agility, but tricks AND obedience.
What once was a rare thing to see, in fact my Sheltie won Happiest Worker, in obedience is now becoming the norm.
It is one of the greatest improvements we as dog owners have made.
If you enjoyed watching these Border Collies loving all the games then be sure to Like and Share this with all your dog
friends so they can see what is possible in all aspects of dog training, joy in the dog!