The Dog Agility Ketschker Turn In Action
A great video comprised of several different clips from different courses where this team used the Ketschker turn.
You can see how using this jump wrap handling technique has value in a multitude of situations.
Used by many for an extremely tight wrap, you will also see it used to set the dog up for a following obstacle as well.
The Ketschker turn has been around for several years in Europe and is also known as a “Reverse” Front Cross to Blind Cross.
Either way you will see how tight the wrap is when using the Ketschker and how nicely it sets up the dog.
While teaching this wrap it is advised you do not use two obstacles to train this wrap as it may dilute the cue to wrap.
If you enjoyed watch this team perform the Ketschker turn in these runs, be sure to LIKE and SHARE with others.
And if you are looking for affordable practice equipment be sure to head on over to and check out their full line of dog agility equipment.