Amazing Example of Impulse Control Games for Agility Dogs
Impulse control games are an essential training concept for any dog, any age, any discipline and this is a super example of how it looks.
If you and your dog have mastered the simple games that teach them to focus on you for the big treats then you can work towards this kind of control.
Remember, this is a game and a response that your dog has to master. There is no time limit on how fast you get to this point.
Notice how this team has also mastered some “tricks” to use to be sure the dog is paying attention to the handler as well as mastering self control.
She also uses a variety of temptations for her dog to further proof their work which will payout huge dividends on the agility course.
If you have a dog that “just can’t help himself” when it comes to tunnels, weaves or contacts this could just give your dog that control he needs to follow you instead of his impulses on course.