Starting on the Right Foot with Your Dog Agility Puppy
In this video Tab address some of the most popular puppy training questions to help you and your puppy get the best start on your training.
Starting from day one with your puppy by setting them up for success is the best way to get a jump on all your future training.
No, this doesn’t mean you have formal training sessions lasting for hours on end. It means you integrate it into the daily routine.
Things like puppy biting, house breaking, crate training as well as eliminating naughty behaviors starts from day one.
You set your puppy up for success with supervision and environmental management to get good habits in place before bad ones start.
And positivity in all things with a puppy is the most powerful tool to start the bonding process with your puppy. If you enjoyed Tab’s training advice for puppies be sure to LIKE and SHARE it with other puppy friends.