Elien the Belgium Malinois Flies on this Dog Agility Course

We have seen Eliška Dolníčková’s super videos that help beginners / intermediate handlers improve their dog’s jump performance.

Now we will see her and her talented Malinois, Elien, take to the course during the FMBB 2015 Dog Agility Finals.

True to the breed, Elien is fast, focused and a bit aggressive on the agility forcing Eliška to have flawless handling skills.

You will notice her great follow through on the weaves which also let Elien know to come back down the weaves on exit.

Elien just flies across the dog walk making you feel for a moment that maybe there would be no down contact, but Elien sticks it good.

If you were on the edge of your seat watching this team compete, be sure to LIKE and SHARE with all your agility friends.